SEND and Inclusion

To find out about the local offer given by the Preschool please follow the link below.

We are committed to meeting all children’s needs in an inclusive environment where it is reasonably possible.
All children are equally welcome.
We will discuss with parents/carers the best way to meet a child’s needs, their medical requirements and do a risk assessment and personal plan where appropriate.
All parents are given time to discuss their child’s progress and achievements.
All parents are encouraged to help on the committee.
We access support and advice from colleagues and other professionals to ensure inclusive practice and the best outcomes for all children.
When staff are employed to support a child one to one, the child will be supported and included in the group.
All members of staff are treated as members of our team, including any one to one workers.
We have regular staff meeting to review the effectiveness of our inclusive practice.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The preschool recognises the wide range of special needs of children and families in the community and will consider what part it can play in meeting these needs.  Planning for preschool meetings and events will take into account the needs of people with disabilities.

Discriminatory behaviour/remarks

These are unacceptable at preschool.

The response will aim to be sensitive to the feelings of the victim(s) and to help those responsible to understand and overcome their prejudices.


Information, written and spoken, will be communicated in as many languages as necessary.

Bilingual/multilingual children and adults are an asset.  They will be valued and their languages recognised and respected in the preschool.


Medical, cultural and dietary needs will be met.


The time, place and conduct of meetings will ensure that all families have an equal opportunity to be involved in the running of the preschool.