
Please feel free to call us 07778336928 to discuss your child starting at Stepping Stones, or to arrange a time to come to look round. Alternatively, you can email us on and we will get back to you asap.

Our sessions for the next September are always booked from the preceding spring term.

It is our intention to make our Preschool genuinely accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community.  In order to accomplish this we will:-

Ensure that the existence of the Preschool is widely known in all local communities.  We will place notices advertising the Preschool in places where all sections of the community can see them, in more than one language if appropriate. 

Describe the Preschool and its practices in terms which make it clear that it welcomes both fathers and mothers, other relations and other carers, including childminders and people from all cultural, ethnic, religious and social groups, with and without disabilities.

Monitor the gender and ethnic background of children joining the Group to ensure that no accidental discrimination is taking place.

Make our Equal opportunities policy widely known.

Be flexible about attendance patterns so as to accommodate the needs of individual children and families. The waiting list is not operated on a first come first served basis, but on a fairer system of order of birth.  Families joining the preschool will be made aware of the equal opportunities policy and all other policies.  We will encourage parents to spend a taster session in Preschool prior to starting in the group to allow us to discuss their needs and concerns and meet the practitioners.